UC Davis Department of Plant Sciences

Supplemental Materials - Livestock Management and Water Quality on US Forest Service Grazing Allotments

Contact Person: Dr. Kenneth W. Tate

Participants: Leslie Roche, Rob Atwill, Randy Dahlgren, Lea Kromschroeder, Kristin Oles, USDA Forest Service – Region 5, Stanislaus National Forest, Plumas National Forest, Tahoe National Forest, Shasta-Trinity National Forest, Klamath National Forest.

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Background Studies


water sample Pilot Study
We conducted a pilot monitoring study of 3 grazing allotments in July 2010 on the Stanislaus National Forest. The purpose of the pilot study was to inform studies to address Objectives 1 and 2 in summer 2011. Specifically our objectives were to: 1) develop a watershed scale pollutant source search methodology for grazing allotments; 2) determine water sample collection, sample handling and transport, and laboratory analysis challenges and solutions for sampling in remote forest locations; and 3) provide preliminary data on the levels of FIB and nutrients to be expected in samples. >>More
ecoli Sample Hold Time Analysis
During the summer of 2010, we also evaluated the effect of holding samples on ice up to 24 hours on fecal indicator bacteria analysis and found no effect. Ideally, sample holding time, the time from collection until processing in the laboratory, for fecal indicator bacteria analysis is less than 8 hours. >>More



lab analysis Standard Laboratory Methods
Collected surface water samples were analyzed for concentrations of indicator E. coli and fecal coliform bacteria, total nitrogen and phosphorus, nitrate, ammonium/ammonia, and phosphate via standard laboratory methods and sample handling protocols. >>More
lab Stream Flow and Temperature
Stream flow and temperature were measured at a representative lower, mid, and upper watershed sample site in each allotment. Stream temperature was measured every half hour with automatic data loggers, and stream flow was measured at the time of water sample collection via the area velocity method (Tate et al. 2005). >>More
lab Utilization
Annual livestock utilization was measured using standard methods. >>More
lab Meadow and Riparian Condition
Ecological and hydrological condition of each meadow and associated stream reach were evaluated based on plant community composition. >>More
PFC Hydrologic Function
Hydrologic function was measured using the standard method to assess Proper Functioning Condition. >>More
PFC Hydrologic Function
In-stream habitat quality was measured using standard methods. >>More

© 2011-2012 UC Davis | California Rangeland Watershed Laboratory | One Shields Ave | Davis, CA 95616 | Last update: November 18, 2015